Thursday, March 31, 2011


We did caricatures of our classmates in Life Drawing today. While I don't really care for most of the ones I did, they were still hella fun to do. For anyone interested, here they are...

Yoo Jin. Heh, I actually think this one is kind of adorable.

Eeeee, yeaaaaah. I kind of made him look like an asian pedo. Sorry about that, Mike...

Andy! It actually kind of looks like him!

This one is scary. Kudos to Marc for holding this face for 10 minutes.

My Winona looks kind of weird/not like her at all. Sadface.

My second Tyler. The first one got handed in. It was better.

I... I don't know who this is. He comes to our Life Drawing class sometimes. Anyway, he was making an awesome face.

Aaaand its a scary Thurman.


  1. Mike's and Thurman's are my faves because they're hilarious. XD

  2. You should draw a caricature of MEEEEE!
